Do You Know Bitter-kola (Garcinia Kola) can helps stops your Bad Breath?

Do you know Bitter-Kola can help you fight away that bad breath? Yes, it has been proven by me and I am writing this on account of several personal experiences from myself and others whom I have recommended this treatment. See more details below as you read them here.

Do You Know Bitter-kola (Garcinia Kola) can helps stops your Bad Breath?

Bad breath, medically called halitosis, can be embarrassing and can result from poor dental habits and maybe a sign of other health problems. It can also be made worse by the types of food you eat and other unhealthy lifestyle habits. It’s no wonder that stores shelves these days are overflowing with gum, mint, mouthwashes and other products designed to fight bad breath.

Like you may have been aware, the origin of bad breath is not mysterious; dental cavities, gum disease, coated tongue, poor oral hygiene is among the most common. The best form to fight bad breath is by the wonder seed of bitter-Kola.

How does your food affect Breath?

Remember all the food eaten begins to be broken down in your mouth. Also food is absorbed into your blood stream and move to the lungs. Other common foods that can cause bad breath include; cheese, certain spices, garlic, vegetables, soups, etc.

Also, dieters who don’t eat often enough can have bad breath. When your body breaks down fat, the process releases chemicals that can give your breath unpleasant smell.

Why do Poor Habits cause Bad Breath?

If you don’t brush and floss teeth daily, food particles can remain in your mouth, promoting bacterial growth between teeth, around the gums, and on the tongue. This causes bad breath. In addition, odor-causing bacteria and food particles can cause bad breath if dentures are not properly cleaned. This may sound interesting too but smoking or chewing tobacco based products can cause bad breath, stain teeth, reduce your ability to taste foods, and irritate your gum.

What Health problems are associated with Bad Breath?

The point to note here is that persistent bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth can be a warning sign of gum (Periodontal) disease. Other dental causes of bad breath include poorly fitting dental appliances, yeast infections of the mouth, and cavities.

Now this brings me to the subject matter of chewing bitter-kola to help clear your mouth odour. Contrary to the widespread notion that minty gum and sweet clear mouth odour, an Australian Dentist, James Buchanan, has condemned the use of mints for bad breath, saying it aggravates the condition rather than remedies it.

His words: “Mouth bacteria turn sugar in mints to acid which wears down teeth and causes bad breath”.

The early blends of Coca-Cola contained the plant bitter-kola explaining the similar name, while the current formula of the world famous drink is no longer flavored with actual bitter kola.

Bitter-Kola has been used in traditional African medicine for centuries, and is considered to have many beneficial properties, including being able to help fight bacterial and viral infections.

It is a common plant which can be found across central and western parts of Africa. In terms of taste, the plant is well named. The edible seeds have a notably bitter taste, while there is also a slight sweetness to them.

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Bitter-Kola is highly effective in treating that your bad breath and you may not want to believe it but giving it a trail will help convince you more. Just chew one or two pieces of Bitter-Kola as the last thing before you go to bed and the first thing you chew in the morning after you wake up from bed. Even if only chewed as last thing at night, you can hold you hand and breathe into it to see if you will perceive any smell. This potent is truly remarkable and I am sure you will like this.Though this is not an expert advice but I also advice you seek medical solution too.

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