Itchy Scalp- How to Prevent and Treat itching scalp

Do you always scratch that itching hair of yours on yur head? If yes that condition is known as Scalp pruritus also known as itchy Scalp. It's a common condition and mostly caused by dandruff and an inflammatory skin condition called seborrheic dermatitis. I have suffer with this condition for 7 years until I finally got rid of it with a simple cure. See details below.

Itchy Scalp- How to Prevent and Treat itching scalp

Why does my head itch so bad? That's the question most people with such conditions always ask and I will explain better as someone who has pass thought such an uncomfortable situation.

When your head itches always, there may be many reasons for it. Head itching can be very irritating and troublesome. Finding the cause and treating it should be a priority for you. Ten common reasons for head itching include infectious or autoimmune disease and allergic reaction.

like I earlier stated, i have suffer from this illment for years but took some steps to completely get rid of I want to ask the question below.

Which infectious diseases cause head itching?

Some of the most common causes leading to head itching are;- 

1. Dandruff : This mainly occurs as a result of the body's response to yeast overgrowth, resulting in itching and dry, flaky scalp.

2. Time a capitis: This is commonly known as ringworm, time a capitis, which is a fungal infection that affect the scalp. It goes deep into the hair follicles resulting in round patches of hair loss.

3. Head Lice: This can attack anyone's scalp, not just school children. Poor hygiene does not necessarily result in an infestation of headlice, as it may infest clean hair too. A louse spends most of its life cycle glued to a hair strand.

4. Scabies: This is the worst that can cause the most severe of itching on the hair. Mites cause scabies, resulting in intense itching. If it affects the scalp too deep,then the itching may keep you awake all night.

so the next question is, 

What autoimmune disease causes itchy scalp?

No doubt Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that causes itchy scalp.  It is a chronic autoimmune disorder causing reddish and scaly patches in the skin or scalp. The exact causative factor of this disease are unknown, but psoriasis is not contagious.

So which allergic reactions cause head itching?
Some of them can be outline below;
1. Allergic reactions - Allergic reactions to hair care products and hair dyes can cause itchy scalp.
2. Hives - These are small red itchy bumps that form in the skin as well as the scalp. Only chronic hives needs treatment as they tend to resolve on there own.
3. Atopic dermatitis - This involves redness and scaling of the scalp,  along with a burning sensation and itching.
4. Nerve Problem - If you ever experience persistent itching without any signs of a rash or other skin disorderlmthen this could be a sign of a nerve problem. 
5. Skin Cancer - Basal cell carcinomas (BCC) symptoms include raised reddish patches of skin that may crust or itch,  but are usually painful. You will need to see a physician to explain this more to you.
What are the symptoms of an itchy scalp?

An itchy scalp can feel tingly or painful. Scratching or itching your scalp may help yu feel better, or it could cause pain. Some of the symptoms include this below I have outline below; 

- bald patches

- dry skin

- irritated skin

- redness

- scalp swelling 

- Sores on the scalp

However, if the itchiness doesn't go away in a few days and is accompanied by hair loss, pain, sores, or intense itching, see yur doctor. 

How to treat a itchy scalp

Treatment for your itchy scalp depends on its cause. There were so night I stayed awake scratching. Most times, i usually experience itching immediately I come out from the bathroom. It was so painful and irritating. You must know that each scalp medication works in a unique way, such as reducing oil on the scalp or killing fungus.

For the first instance and to avoid itching after bath, avoid washing you hair when bathing. You will need to always wash your hair separately. Then apply anti fungal creams like those for scabies or topical steroids, this will kill any scalp causing bacteria on your hair.

Thank you.

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