Npower Nexit: See How To Check If Your Business Plan Have Been Submitted
Are you one of the Npower Nexit applicant who participated in the first phase of the training exercise and carved out a business plan from the training? If yes, have you finished filling the business plan and submitted it? Then, this post is for you on how to check if your Npower Nexit Business Plan submission was successful or not. See details below.
Many applicants have been in doubts if they successfully submitted there buisness plan online. While a lot are yet to fill this buisness plan, it is important to note that the filling and successful submission of this document are vital steps in being selected for the nexit loan.
Nevertheless, you can now follow the steps outline below to check if your business plan have been submitted succesfully.
How to Check If you Have Been Shortlisted for Npower Batch C Stream 2
N.B. for the purpose of this post and its explanation, we shall used the blinkplan business template for illustrations.
How to check if your Npower Nexit Business Plan have been Submitted Successfully
Ensure you follow the steps outline below to check if your business plan was submitted succesfully;
- If you used the blinkplan template, visit and for other state who did not choose the blinkplan template, please login through the link provided by your Npower Nexit state Consultants or Co-ordinators.
- Click on Login, and enter your Login details.
- Note here that your email address is the email address used for your Npower Batch A or B registration, while your password is the first and second letters of your name, followed by @, then the last three digits of your phone number you used for Npower batch Aor B registration. For instance, if the email you used for Npower registration is, this will be your login email, then if your names is Jennifer Karashika and your phone number is 08033663666, then your password will be Je@666 or Ka@666 (incase the first paswword did not login, you try the second one).
- Click on preview Business Plan, after clicking on preview business plan, click on MENU at the top left hand corner of the page, you will see the an image showing you that you have successfully submitted your business plan. If this image is not shown, then you have to refill and resubmit the business plan again.
5.If after clicking the preview Business Plan and you notice that you can edit the details on your business
plan, then know that your business plan has not been subitted either, quickly contact your various state's
Nexit training consultants.
All those who attended the Nexit training were given there various states training consultants phone numbers and whatsapp.
All allowances owed N-Build batch C beneficiaries have been sent and paid that there various training centre across the country.
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