N-Power Batch C Shortlist: How To Complete The Biometrics Fingerprint Capture Enrollment

How To Complete The Biometrics Fingerprint Capture Enrollment on the nasims portal for all shortlisted N-Power Batch C applicant has been explain further on this post. Its an easy step on what to do and follow in order to capture your Fingerprint and submit your data for the next stage of your application. See more details below.

N-Power Batch C Shortlist: How To Complete The Biometrics Fingerprint Capture Enrollment

I want to take this time out to explain in the details for the N-Power Batch C Shortlisted candidates on how they can complete there Biometrics Fingerprint Capture Enrollment on the nasims portal.

The registration portal must be experiencing some technical hitches, but that's normal for a site expecting to receive over a million plus login inputs as applicants via to see if they have been selected for the biometric data capture. The site will be ok and you will be ask to carry out a Data capture of your fingerprint on the portal.

You will need a Desktop computer system or a Laptop of higher configuration to be able to do the biometric capture. Nevertheless, I have explain everything in details for you to see and follow.

The following 7 steps are procedures you or any of the N-Power Batch C applicant is to carryout to complete his or her Biometric Fingerprint Capture Verification/Enrollment as a prerequisite for the N-Power shortlisting process.

Step 1: Once an N-Power Batch C applicant is able to access the dashboard the N-Power Batch C applicant should click on “Verification” tab.

Step 2: The N-Power Batch C applicant should Click on “Capture Your Fingerprint” near the fingerprint icon.

Step 3: The N-Power Batch C applicant should navigate to the new page “NASIMS (N-POWER) Biometric Client”. The N-Power Batch C applicant is expected to see the information (see attached image) below on the new page (https://nasimsbiometric.blob.core.windows.net/enrollment/Publish.htm)

Step 4: N-Power Batch C applicants are required to install this prerequisite separately before clicking the Install button:

Biometrics Prerequisite for either 32-bit Installation or 64-bit Installation

The following prerequisite is required and will be installed during the installation:

.NET Desktop Runtimes

If these components are already installed, the N-Power Batch C applicant can launch the application now.

Step 5: The N-Power Batch C applicant should click the install button to install the prerequisites and run the application.
It is recommended that N-Power Batch C applicants carry out this operation using a laptop or a desktop computer system, since the application runs on 34bit/64bit windows operating system.

Step 6: The N-Power Batch C applicant should click on “Install” to install the NASIMS N-Power Biometrics Prerequisite application on your computer or other high calibre device.

Step 7: After the installation, the N-Power Batch C applicant should click on “Launch” to run the application/software. Then the N-Power Batch C applicant should follow the onscreen prompts/instructions to capture his or her fingerprint and complete the N-Power Batch C physical verification/enrollment of the biometric data.

You should find it easy once you follow this step and your applications will be good to go.

Congratulations once again.

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