Breaking News - Npower Batch C2 Physical Verification has been Extended

We are Pleased to inform you that the ongoing Npower Batch C2 Physical Verification exercise that was concluded over the weekend has been extended three days. This will enable those yet to be verified to conclude the exercise and been included in the Npower data base. See more details below.

Breaking News - Npower Batch C2 Physical Verification has been Extended

This is to inform all pre-selected candidates that the Npower Physical Verifcation Exercise has been extended from Monday June 27 - Wednesday June 29, 2022. The exercise is for all canddiates who have done there finger print capture on the nasims dashboard.

Alot of candidates who are yet to see the venue of there physical verification venue display on there dashboard should exercise patience as it will soon be uploaded on the nasims portal. We are also aware of the issue of 'shortlisted' and 'applicants' seen on candidates dashboard, this should not give room for worry so long you have been shortlisted and done the finger print capture on the nasim page, you are still been selected.

Extension Limits

There will be no further extension of the physical verification exercise when it ends by wednesday, June 29 2022. while we work on the nasim portal be rest assured that all those who have done there finger print capture but are yet to see there venues for physical verification will be called upon to go for same exercise when the time comes.

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